Tattoo Care

Once you have finished getting your tattoo, taking care of your new tattoo is essential in achieving optimal healing and preventing infection. 

The process of getting a tattoo involves breaking the surface of the skin and with that comes the risk of infection if adequate aftercare isn't attended to. To minimise the risk of infection it's important to treat a new tattoo as a wound initially and follow any advice given by your tattoo artist regarding post-care.

For the first few weeks, your new tattoo may feel tender and appear red, this is normal and should heal with time. Monitor your tattoo daily and if anything appears out of the ordinary it's best to seek medical advice. The signs of an infection may include:

  • Severe burning pain and throbbing sensations around your tattoo
  • Swelling and redness that increases around the tattoo’s area
  • Any discharge, usually appears yellow or green, accompanied by an offensive odour
  • Painful to touch and increased feeling of tenderness

If you have any worries or concerns about your tattoo -- ranging from potential infection to signs of an allergic reaction. It is crucial that you speak to your health practitioner immediately, they can help to address your issues and healing process.

  • Avoid touching, picking or scratching at your healing tattoo. This can introduce germs into the wound and disturb the healing process, potentially causing an infection.
  • Washing and drying your hands before and after touching the tattoo site is essential for a healthy new tattoo.
  • Keeping the area covered for the duration is recommended by practitioners as it helps protect from bacteria gathering in tiny breaks that are created when the needles puncture your skin.
  • Proper care is essential for a successful tattoo experience. After the dressing has been removed, use warm water without soap or non-perfumed products and gently wash the tattooed site, pat it dry using tissue only.
  • Be sure to communicate with your practitioner and find out which cream they recommend you use on the treated area.
  • Your skin typically begins to heal after two weeks and any scabbing should be gone. After this initial healing period, the scab will become a layer of silver skin. This should remain for another week or so. Finally, full healing will occur within 14 days.
  • Showering is preferable to bathing during the healing process, as it allows you to control exactly how long and how much water is coming in contact with your tattoo. After showering, make sure to keep your tattoo dry by using a tissue to pat it down.
  • Avoid using petroleum-based creams like Vaseline. These ingredients will actually draw out the ink in the tattoo, leading to a decrease in overall colour.
  • One of the worst things post-tattoo is “picking" at their fresh ink, this will delay healing, can cause infection, and lead to scar tissue.
  • After getting a new tattoo, it is important to maintain care for at least six weeks (or until healed). This means avoiding activities such as swimming and sunbathing.
  • It's important to keep the area around the newly inked area loose and comfortable, to minimise rubbing and irritation.
  • Ensure that your tattoo is safe and secure when you are at work, especially if you are working in an environment with dust, dirt or oil.
